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Check out our favorite independent authors

Dr. Elisabeth Link

Elisabeth Link, MD is a physician-scientist at Stanford University and member of the Pegasus physician writers' group, who blends her expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics/medicine (STEM) with her passion for creative writing. Dr. Link grew up in a small town in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 2003 with her husband Thomas Link, MD. Dr. Link is a member of the American Institute of Medical and Biomedical Engineering (AIMBE, top 2% of medical and biological engineers). She published more than 200 scientific publications with more than 15,000 citations, in addition to 5 patents and 5 textbooks. 


Dr. Link's literary debut, "The Stolen Brain Chip," released in 2022, captivated readers with its blend of medical intrigue and real X-rays as clues. Her subsequent cozy mysteries, "Who Killed Nia Jones" and "The Claim," both released in 2023, have further established her reputation as a master storyteller. With her deep understanding of STEM, Dr. Link is poised to become a leading voice in the realm of science-infused mysteries. Her novels not only entertain but also educate, offering readers a glimpse into the fascinating world of medicine and scientific research.

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